The reconnection with yourself..
Here to #experience the true, full undiluted #human experience and our #relationship with #life;
a remembering of who we are and who we decide to be in each moment.
The #divine realm, our provenance, with the #journey the experiencing of it all through the #body, the #mindand #spirit converged into one….
Presence, the vessel of #Love, with each obstacle an opportunity to rise higher into the mirror of This Love….
This realm of chosen #soulexperience, a soul contract in finding ground and dharma, in breaking #spiritual and physical boundaries, creating out of #conscious choice and empowered #truth, finding transformation of #polarities through this physical realm, an #embodimentof life….
Why escape, why elude the realities offered, why deny an existence of potential existential grandeur?
Stay, be here, plant you feet into this earth and rise into your full #expression.
Owning every decision, in each moment, for the real challenge is to see the world as you, yourself, shape it every waking day.
Rising in love with the spaces you hate within your existence, persevering in getting to know the self through a compassion amd Love that moves mountains, and life alike….
But for this, you will need to be here, willing to be strong when the moments of delusion surface; and in this presence it will be known, understood with clarity that the answers you once sought were not real, nor that they will ever be found in scriptures or books, nor in other realms or dimensions…. a test designed and ultimately created by…..you.
Soul Love ❤️