We need you!
Introduction – that’s us, and we need you!
The purpose of all Zenith Retreats is to fund the constructions of various spiritual sanctuaries across the world, a concept of creating space for spiritual/healing development environments for everyone to attend affordably, wether for learning and healing or for sharing in teaching, and also recirculate some of the profits into each surrounding communities so to change a global vision of what money can do to improve the current economic divisions in humanity.
We are creating these global sanctuaries with an intention to provide space for minds to be safely opened and for hearts to once again trust in humanity’s propensity to thrive as a collective.
As a community structure it is our aim to raise awareness of the potential in unity and the power in sharing of resources and contribution, to join powerful minds and hearts into becoming an example of possible convergence between international cultures and belief systems.
We need your help in creating this vision of equality and unity, we need support in exposure and we also need your input, your ideas and visions, we need those who believe in such a vision to join us on an equal platform as volunteers or teachers for these retreats and treks, we need Love to pour in to this forming community.
As a starting point to this vision, and in view of the current global uncertainty for travels, we are organising Zoom gatherings for now and planing physical gatherings later this year as soon as borders open up a little more.
We are looking for volunteers for project development in Europe, Bali and Central America as well as teachers willing to become involved in the fundraising festivals and retreats in the future (paid positions)
Are you in?
We need you, all those who want to see change to get involved, wether in construction or creative contribution, in sharing skills and purpose.
Please jump onto our link and read our story, share if willing, join us in creation and contribution for humanity to heal the imprints of past, help transform fear back into compassion and Love.
Let’s build a thriving community together!